No problem being new - we're glad you are here!
Below are some of our frequently asked questions. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!
Below are some of our frequently asked questions. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!
What To Expect
Where do you gather?
We gather at our building locatied at 1701 Lucerne St, Minden NV 89423
When do you gather?
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for corporate worship through the preaching of the Word, singing of songs, responsive reading and prayers, and communion.
We also gather during the week in Community Groups and Bible studies.
What should I wear?
We are not concerned about this. Most of us wear jeans and boots, some dress up and we are good with that too! We want you to be who you are. Our lead pastor can usually be spotted wearing jeans, vest and boots.
Should I bring anything?
If you own a Bible, we encourage you to bring it. If you do not own a Bible, we would love to give you one when you arrive, no charge, it is our gift to you.
What is your music like?
Our music philosophy is to be simple and gospel-centered. We spend time in Scripture reading, prayer, and singing—with a wide range of old and new hymns. We are also serious about the theological content of our songs. We make sure that all the lyrics we sing and pray are biblically accurate, God-glorifying, and gospel-saturated.
Where do you gather?
We gather at our building locatied at 1701 Lucerne St, Minden NV 89423
When do you gather?
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for corporate worship through the preaching of the Word, singing of songs, responsive reading and prayers, and communion.
We also gather during the week in Community Groups and Bible studies.
What should I wear?
We are not concerned about this. Most of us wear jeans and boots, some dress up and we are good with that too! We want you to be who you are. Our lead pastor can usually be spotted wearing jeans, vest and boots.
Should I bring anything?
If you own a Bible, we encourage you to bring it. If you do not own a Bible, we would love to give you one when you arrive, no charge, it is our gift to you.
What is your music like?
Our music philosophy is to be simple and gospel-centered. We spend time in Scripture reading, prayer, and singing—with a wide range of old and new hymns. We are also serious about the theological content of our songs. We make sure that all the lyrics we sing and pray are biblically accurate, God-glorifying, and gospel-saturated.

What do you talk about?
We have two goals in our corporate worship gatherings: 1. To give glory to God. 2. For you to love Jesus more when you leave, than when you first walked in. Our pastors usually preach for about 35 minutes. We typically preach through a book, verse by verse, of the Bible over several weeks or months so that we can understand the entire book and its applications in context. We also believe in repetitively preaching the Gospel to ourselves and one another. We believe Jesus is the hero of every sermon. This means you will hear the Gospel multiple times throughout the worship gathering.
The gospel message is that God sent his one and only son, Jesus, to live the life we couldn’t live and die the death we deserve. His penal substitutionary death allowed sinners like you and me to be able to be in right relationship with God again. We believe that this Gospel (good news) is the central message of the whole Bible. Therefore, we are committed to opening up and preaching the Bible every Sunday.
Am I expected to give money?
We do not expect our visitors to give money at our gatherings. At Carson Valley Bible Church members give regularly as an act of praising God for who He is and what He has done, but never to earn his favor. We believe that our generosity in giving is a part of worshipping God for what he has already done. We celebrate the opportunity to give back to God for what He has so generously given to us by giving through times of corporate offering on Sunday.

When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am